This is a community of those using "Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding"

Elementary Science Education

Where to start

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    • #891

      I’ve completed much of the first book of BFSU (K-2) with my daughter several years ago. She’ll be in 6th grade next year and I’m wondering whether it would be better to do the 3-5 grade book or go ahead with the middle school age book.

      Thank you,

    • #892
      Bernard Nebel

      The three volumes of BFSU are an unbroken continuum of lessons that build understanding in logical, systematic steps all the way from K to 8. Hence early lessons are prerequisite to later lessons. Therefore, I recommend actually doing a quick review of Volume I, since it was several years ago, then moving through Volume II before tacking Volume III. All lessons can be addressed in an age-appropriate manner.

      I hope that others who have faced the same problem will comment as to what their experience has beed.

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