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Elementary Science Education

Urban foxes may be self-domesticating in our midst

Welcome to BFSU: Forums Open Discussion Urban foxes may be self-domesticating in our midst

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  • Author
    • #8340
      Bernard Nebel

      There has been a long standing question: How did dogs (closely related to wolves) become domesticated? There is a theory that humans had little to do with it. A population of wolves domesticated themselves. That is, by feeding on human leftovers, and over generations gradually loosing their fear of humans (and human loosing their fear of them) they came closer and closer until they gradually developed the traits of dogs–and became dogs. Now, the same thing seems to be occurring with foxes. Please comment.

    • #8386
      Jane Ann Smith

      We find, as we are rural and outside a great deal, that many creatures are more up close and personal increasingly over the years. We can walk dogs, and robins will walk directly in front of us for a block or more. Snakes do not startle and slither away anymore. I step around garters on a daily basis. We have wondered about this too. We have no wildlife food shortages in our area.

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