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Elementary Science Education

A suggested sequence of lessons

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    • #1505
      Bernard Nebel

      I know that many are confused by the flowchart. Sorry! Note that it is designed to meet three objectives.

      1. Provide a sequence of lessons that build understanding in logical systematic steps.
      2. Integrate the diverse areas of science.
      3. Allow flexibility such that lessons presented can be adjusted to better fit students’ interests, appropriate time of year, and special opportunities or events that come along.

      So long as you follow the general directions (see text) of moving back and forth across the flowchart while working your way down each “progression” you will meeting these objectives, although your particular path may differ from others. This said, the following link will give you an example. I am indebted to ___________, a BFSU user, for preparing this sequence.

    • #2361

      Thanks so much for posting this! Although I didn’t find the flowchart to be confusing, getting all those “extras” located and noted so they can be used at the appropriate time can be a little daunting. My current method is sticky notes in the book indicating what other content (like BrainPop) I had found that tied in to that particular lesson, but… ugh. So cluttered-looking and just driving me crazy. Obviously, this linked document is a much more efficient way of going about things, not to mention the fact that I had forgotten that Discovery Education even existed.

      That being said, do you know if “____” is going to be updating the document to include the lessons at the end of the book? Either way, it’s a great framework that can be easily filled out and completed as we go. This scattered baby-brain momma is forever grateful for the shared resource, if you’re reading this. 🙂

    • #9435

      Any chance of someone sharing a similar document for Volume III: Middle School Science?

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