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Elementary Science Education

Starting in Winter

Welcome to BFSU: Forums Open Discussion Starting in Winter


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    • #8449


      I have just bought this amazing curriculum. I will be staring in the Winter (rather than Autumn). Would I begin in a different lesson sequence? Where would be the best place to begin?

    • #8451

      Bernard Nebel

      Hi mastros, Sorry to be so long in answering your post. I think winter is a perfectly good time to start BFSU, and your beginning lessons will be the same. A/B-1, A-2, B-2, D-1, C-1, B-3, although the order may differ. As you get into spring you will probably want to continue heavier on the B-lessons as they fit into what kids are observing in the real world, but don’t totally neglect lessons in other areas. Please post your question on our Facebook site: I am sure you will get more detailed responses from folks who have been through it. Thanks for asking.

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