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Elementary Science Education

Reading List Additions for D-17

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      Bassett, John. Experiments with Weather and Climate (Cool Science). Gareth Stevens, 2010.

      Challoner, Jack. Eyewitness: Hurricane & Tornado. DK, reprint ed., 2014.

      Cherry, Lynne and Gary Braasch. How We Know What We Know About Our Changing Climate: Scientists and Kids Explore Global Warming. Dawn Publications, 2008.

      Cosgrove, Brian. Eyewitness: Weather. DK, reprint ed., 2016.

      Fleisher, Paul. Gases, Pressure, and Wind: The Science of the Atmosphere (Weatherwise). Lerner, 2010.

      Friend, Sandra. Earth’s Wild Winds (Exploring Planet Earth). Twenty-First Century Books, 2002.

      Grace, Catherine O’Neill. Forces of Nature: The Awesome Power of Volcanoes, Earthquakes, and Tornadoes. National Geographic, 2004.

      Hirsch, Rebecca. Climate Migrants: On the Move in a Warming World. Twenty-First Century, 2016.

      McPherson, Stephanie Sammartino. Arctic Thaw: Climate Change and the Global Race for Energy Resources. Twenty-First Century, 2014.

      Silverstein, Alvin and Virginia B. Silverstein. Weather and Climate (Science Concepts, Second Series). Twenty-First Century Books, 2007.

      Vogel, Carole Garbuny. Savage Waters: The Restless Sea. Children’s Press, 2003.

      Vogt, Gregory. The Atmosphere: Planetary Heat Engine. Twenty-First Century Books, 2007.

      Walker, Sally and Tim Flannery. We Are the Weather Makers: The History of Climate Change. Candlewick, 2009. (This is an adaptation for youth of Flannery’s The Weather Makers.)

      Winchester, Simon. When the Sky Breaks: Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and the Worst Weather in the World (Smithsonian). Viking Books for Young Readers, 2017.

      Watts, Claire. Eyewitness: Natural Disasters. DK, reprint ed., 2015.

      For younger students:

      Kostigen, Thomas. Extreme Weather: Surviving Tornadoes, Sandstorms, Hailstorms, Blizzards, Hurricanes, and More! National Geographic, 2014.
      Seibert, Patricia. Discovering El Nino: How Fable and Fact Together Help Explain the Weather. Millbrook Press.

      Simon, Seymour. Global Warming. HarperCollins, 2013.
      __________. Hurricanes. HarperCollins, 2007.
      __________. Lightning. HarperCollins, 2006.
      __________. Storms. HarperCollins, 1992, 1999.
      __________. Tornadoes. HarperCollins, 2001.
      __________. Oceans. HarperCollins, 2006.
      __________. Weather. HarperCollins, 2006.

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