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Elementary Science Education

Reading List Additions for D-15

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      Aguilar, David. Cosmic Catastrophes: Seven Ways to Destroy a Planet Like Earth (Smithsonian). Viking Books for Young Readers, 2016.
      __________. The 13 Planets: The Latest View of the Solar System. National Geographic, 2011.
      __________. Seven Wonders of the Solar System (Smithsonian). Viking Books for Young Readers, 2017.
      __________. Super Stars: The Biggest, Hottest, Brightest, and Most Explosive Stars in the Milky Way. National Geographic, 2010.

      Carson, Mary Kay. Mission to Pluto: The First Visit to an Ice Dwarf and the Kuiper Belt (Scientists in the Field). HMH Books for Young Readers, 2017.

      Dinwiddie, Robert. The Planets (Smithsonian). DK, 2014.

      DK Publishing. Space! (Smithsonian). DK, 2015.

      Englert, Christoph. Destination: Space. Wide Eyed Editions, 2016.

      Jenkins, Martin. Exploring Space: From Galileo to the Mars Rover and Beyond. Candlewick, 2017.

      Kerrod, Robin. Eyewitness: Universe. DK, reprint ed., 2015.

      Lippincott, Kristen. Eyewitness: Astronomy. DK, reprint ed., 2013.

      Silverstein, Alvin. Universe. Twenty-First Century Books, 2009.

      Stafford, David. Eyewitness: Planets. DK, reprint ed., 2017.

      Stott, Carole. Eyewitness: Space Exploration. DK, reprint ed., 2014.

      While not children’s books, the following books contain hundreds of magnificent photographs worth seeing and information suitable for more mature students:

      Chown, Marcus. Solar System: A Visual Exploration of All the Planets, Moons, and Other Heavenly Bodies That Orbit Our Sun. Black Dog & Levanthal, 2011.

      Dinwiddie, Robert. Universe. DK Adult, rev. updated ed., 2012.

      Rusch, Elizabeth. The Mighty Mars Rovers: The Incredible Adventures of Spirit and Opportunity (Scientists in the Field). HMH Books for Young Readers, 2017.

      Sparrow, Giles. Cosmos. Quercus, 2011.
      _________. The Planets: A Journey Through the Solar System. Quercus, 2009.

      For younger students:

      DeChristofano, Carolyn Cinami. A Black Hole Is Not a Hole. Charlesbridge, 2017.

      Englert, Christoph. Destination: Space. Wide Eyed Editions, 2016.

      Simon, Seymour. Our Solar System. HarperCollins, 2007.
      _________. The Universe. HarperCollins, 2006.

      Sparrow, Giles. Cosmic! DK Children, 2008.

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