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Elementary Science Education

Reading List Additions for C-24

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    • #1485

      Carbaugh, Samuel and Jane Gardner. Physics: Investigate the Forces of Nature (Inquire and Investigate). Nomad Press, 2014.

      Challoner, Jack Eyewitness: Energy. DK, 2012 or Dan Green, reprint ed., 2016.

      Doherty, Paul. The Spinning Blackboard and Other Dynamic Experiments on Force and Motion (Exploratorium). Wiley, 2008.

      Gifford, Clive. How the Future Began: Machines. Kingfisher.

      Hakim, Joy. The Story of Science: Newton at the Center. Smithsonian Books, 2005. (See especially Chapters 35-37).

      Kakalios, James. The Physics of Superheroes. Avery, 2006.
      __________. The Physics of Superheroes: More Heroes! More Villains! More Science! Avery, 2009.

      Lafferty, Peter. Eyewitness: Force and Motion. DK, 2000.

      Macaulay, David. The Way Things Work Now. HMH Books for Young Readers, 2016.

      Woodford, Chris. Energy (See for Yourself). DK, 2007.

      Woodford, Chris and Steve Parker. Science: A Visual Encyclopedia (Smithsonian). DK, 2014.
      (You may also want to check other encyclopedias, such as DK’s Science: The Definitive Visual Guide.)

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