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Elementary Science Education

Reading List Additions for C-22

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    • #1482

      Doherty, Paul. The Spinning Blackboard and Other Dynamic Experiments on Force and Motion (Exploratorium). Wiley, 2008.

      Macaulay, David. The Way Things Work Now. HMH Books for Young Readers, 2016.

      Uttley, Colin. Experiments with Force and Motion. Gareth Stevens, 2010.

      Woodford, Chris and Steve Parker. Science: A Visual Encyclopedia (Smithsonian). DK, 2014.
      (You may also want to check other encyclopedias, such as DK’s Science: The Definitive Visual Guide.)

      About the Hubble Space telescope:

      Devorkin, David and Robert Smith. The Hubble Cosmos: 25 Years of New Vistas in Space. National Geographic, 2015.

      Edwards, Owen. Expanding Universe: Photographs from the Hubble Space Telescope. Taschen, 2015.

      Zimmerman, Robert. The Universe in a Mirror: The Saga of the Hubble Space Telescope and the Visionaries Who Built It. Princeton University Press, 2010.

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