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Elementary Science Education

Reading List Additions for B-31

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    • #1473

      Carson, Mary Kay. Inside Biosphere 2: Earth Science Under Glass (Scientists in the Field). HMH Books for Young Children, 2015.

      Llewellyn, Robert. The Living Forest: A Journey into Nature’s Most Intricate Habitat. Timber Press, 2017.

      McAllister, Ian and Nicholas Read. The Great Bear Sea: Exploring the Marine Life of a Pacific Paradise. Orca, 2013.
      __________. The Salmon Bears: Giants of the Great Bear Rainforest. Orca, 2010.
      __________. The Sea Wolves: Living Wild in the Great Bear Rainforest. Orca, 2010.

      Strauss, Rochelle. Tree of Life: The Incredible Biodiversity of Life on Earth. Kids Can Press, reprint ed., 2013.

      Sussman, Art, Ph.D. Dr. Art’s Guide to Planet Earth for Earthlings Ages 12 to 120. Chelsea Green Publishing.

      Turner, Pamela S. A Life in the Wild: George Schaller’s Struggle to Save the Last Great Beasts. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2008.

      See also books on ecosystems, such as NorthWord’s “Our Wild World Ecosystems,” Saunders Book’s “Nature’s Bounty,” and Lerner’s “Ecosystems in Action” series.

      Also watch BBC’s Planet Earth/Planet Earth II.

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