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Elementary Science Education

How to plan the BFSU Curriculum (Witten by a user)

Welcome to BFSU: Forums Volume One Orientation for Using BFSU Orientation 8. Following the Flowchart How to plan the BFSU Curriculum (Witten by a user)

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    • #9283
      Bernard Nebel
      Initially daunted by the layout of BFSU, this BFSU user concludes: “The content is awesome, it’s organized logically, and it encourages students to observe, question, and think their way through the lessons (rather than just memorizing science jargon that’s thrown at them).”
      In the following essays, she describes her trepidations and fears, how she worked through them, and reached the above conclusion. She invites you to:
      “Check out Part 1 and Part 2 of my BFSU review to learn more about the curriculum and how it works.”
      (click on the  “Part 1” and “Part 2” above).
      It is a long but worthy read by anyone who initially feels intimidated by BFSU.
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