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Elementary Science Education

Photomorphogenesis — Change in growth form upon exposure to light

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    • #8708
      Bernard Nebel


      Have kids germinate a few radish or other seeds in the light and in the dark (see text). After a few days, contrast the body form of each and discuss how it is adaptive to the plant’s survival (see text). Further, discuss the mystery of the mechanism(s) that must be present for an exposure to light to bring about the multitude of changes observed. The following video highlights the main changes.

      Scientists have discovered that the such mechanisms are entirely separate from those of photosynthesis. Hence the different words.
      Photo-synthesis = synthesis (manufacture) of food driven by light (photo)
      Photo-morpho-genesis = the beginning (genesis) of a change in body form (morpho)-promoted by light (photo).
      seedling germination and early growth

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