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Elementary Science Education

Melting metals and minerals with sufficient heat

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    • #1411
      Bernard Nebel

      Solid, liquid, gas; change with temperature

      The fact that water changes from solid (ice) to liquid (water) to gas (water vapor) state with increasing temperature is easy to observe. The following video, “How to Melt Soda Cans”, demonstrates that metals likewise melt if temperature is high enough. Liquid metal can be poured into molds to cast objects. This process of pouring heated, liquid metal into molds, a process called casting, is widely used in manufacturing all sorts metal parts of tools, machines, etc.

      The minerals of rock likewise melt and become liquid at hight temperatures; witness flowing lava from a volcano.

      Glass does not have a distinct melting point; with increasing temperature it gradually becomes “softer” and more malleable. This permits it blown and molded into countless shapes. The following video shows the making of a pitcher.

      Not all substances melt with higher temperature. Wood and paper, for example, burn, turn to ash and gases given off to the air. They do not return to paper or wood as they cool. Please post any comments/questions.

    • #8192

      Thank you! My son and I was enjoy the videos.

    • #8193

      Thank you! My son and I enjoyed the videos.

    • #8599

      My daughters and I enjoyed these videos today. Thanks for links!

      I’m glad to hear it. Thanks. bjn

    • #8878

      Thank you for posting these videos. They are absolutely amazing and informative. We watched them today and really enjoyed them.

    • #9724

      This is great!! Thank you!

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