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Elementary Science Education

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    • #8376

      Hello! I’m really looking forward to using the curriculum with my 3rd grade son this year as we homeschool through the pandemic. I just received book 1 and after looking through it I have a few questions. First, my son is a “highly gifted” learner (the words of his school and teachers where he was in the gifted program) and not only does he learn concepts very quickly, but I can tell from looking through Book 1 that he already understands a lot of these basic concepts. I don’t want him to be bored with it (a continual problem in school) but I’m not sure if skipping to book 2 would be a good idea.

      And my second question is about the threads. When it says to pursue the threads in tandem, what exactly does this mean? My inclination would have been to finish one thread at a time, but is that not the best way? Is it meant to be taught by doing the first lesson in each thread, then the second in each, etc.?

      Thank you for any advice or help!

    • #8377

      Oh my, I hadn’t seen the video that explains the threads. Aha! Thank you! So I understand that I need to move across the threads, not down, but would it be ok to skip over any early K-1 level lessons if I’m sure that my son has a solid grasp of the concept?

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