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Elementary Science Education

Help :)

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    • #8333

      We are just finishing Vol. 1. We did it in one year, since my kids, who are using this program, are older, grade 6 and 8. Science is not my strong point, to say the least. It was a bit of a whirlwind. I hope they retain some things and that it lays a foundation. I do see the benefit of starting young and leisurely.

      I was looking at the book for next year. I am quite intimidated with the first lesson. Even looking at the section in this forum makes me a bit nervous. We did buy a microscope (Christmas gift in anticipation for next year), we bought some prepared slides. I know we will need other slides.

      I am just wondering if you have any tips, encouragement, other resources for your program for someone who is starting at ground zero and has to teach 😉

      Lastly, my daughter will be in grade 8/9 next year. How long would you suggest we spend on this book, since we would still need to complete book 3. Thank you for reading this ramble and for all that you have done with writing these guides.

    • #8334
      Bernard Nebel

      Hi Sherrie, thanks for writing.

      Regarding “tips, encouiragement for someone who is starting at ground zero and has to teach”,
      I suggest shifting your focus from “having to teach” to going on an exploration, learning adventure along with your kids. You need not be shy about saying that this is new to you too and perhaps they can help you (seriously) as well as you helping them. Keep in mind that teaching is not brain surgery. If/when you mess up you can alway go back and try it again. Bottom line: Have fun learning along with your kids. You will be a great role model in doing so.

      Regarding, “my daughter will be in grade 8/9 next year.How long would you suggest we spend on this book, since we would still need to complete book 3.”

      First, I think finishing both books II and III in one year is an impossible goal. And, it is a goal that is unnecessary to reach. Where will your daughter be attending grades 8/9? If public school, it is most unlikely that they will expect any significant science background for introductory science courses. If continuing to homeschool, just keep plodding ahead as you are doing. Learning cannot be rushed; it will take as long as it takes.

      I hope this helps, but please write again.

    • #8345

      Thank you for your thoughtful response. It was a good reminder!

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