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Explanation of Global Warming

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    • #9749

      Bernard Nebel

      Explanation of Global Warming

      Outer space has a temperature barely above above absolute zero, about -450˚F or -270˚C. Save for the warming by solar radiation, the Earth would rapidly cool to a frozen, lifeless, icy rock. The temperatures we experience on Earth are happy result of a balance between the input of solar radiation and the exit of heat constantly given off to outer space. 

      A change in the balance point does not require a change in solar radiation (heat input). It may be altered by changing the rate temperature loss to outer space. Just like putting another blanket on your bed, temperature is raised to a higher balance point by reducing the rate of heat loss. Temperature is increased to a new balance point at a higher temperature. 

      Over 100 years ago, Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius observed that CO2 was a strong absorber of infrared (heat) radiation. He hypothesized that increasing atmospheric CO2 would cause an increase in global temperatures by reducing the rate of heat loss. It would be like the additional blanket on your bed. 

      In the 1950 scientists recognized the that the prodigious burning of fossil fuels (coal, liquid fuels, natural gas) was adding CO2 to the atmosphere at an unprecedented rate. Was it changing the atmosphere? They began and have continued monitoring atmospheric CO2 with great precision since that time. See graph below


      This graph shows the monthly mean carbon dioxide measured at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii, the longest record of direct measurements of CO2 in the atmosphere.

      Also from thousands of weather stations around the Earth average global temperatures over time has been determined.


      Summarizing, we hypothesized that increasing atmospheric CO2 would increase global temperatures. We conducted the experiment (increased the atmospheric level of CO2). Result: the Earth’s temperature is increasing. Is there any rational way to deny that CO2 from burning fossil fuels is causing the increase in global temperatures.

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