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Elementary Science Education

Concept of Keystone Species and Invasive Species

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    • #8117
      Bernard Nebel

      Concept of Keystone Species and Invasive Species

      Draw students to consider, again, how an ecosystem is all the species present and includes all the ways species they can and do interact with one another. Interactions go beyond predator-prey relationships. The following video outlines prime ways species may interact. (Especially note that some relationships are mutually beneficial.)

      While most studies stress the relationship between two particular species, recognize that every species has multiple simultaneous relationships with all the other species in the ecosystem. Consequently, an effect on one species may have ramifying effects throughout the ecosystem.

      In particular, recent studies have shown that removal of a top predator does not just effect its prey population. There are cascading ramifications through the entire ecosystem. See:

      Further examples may be found by typing into your browser: keystone species concept. The following is a long (20 minutes) but very informative video illustrating the research leading up to the concept.


      Invasive species

      “Invasive species” is the name given to those plants, animals, or microbes that have been accidentally or intentionally introduced into an ecosystem from another region or continent. Such a species may find the new environment favorable to its growth and reproduction and at the same time lacking in natural enemies. Such a species may increase in population to the detriment of native species even causing their extinction. Examples of ten invasive species that have had disastrous consequences can be found at:

      Familiarize yourself and your kids with those invasive species that are significant in your region (Google: invasive species _____ / Put your state in the blank). Organizations in numerous communities engage in removal of “invasives”.  (Type into your browser: groups devoted to removal of invasives)

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