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Elementary Science Education

BFSU 2 Year Progression

Welcome to BFSU: Forums Volume Three Teaching With BFSU BFSU 2 Year Progression

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    • #934

      Dr. Nebel,

      I purchased all three of the volumes to use with three different children. Public school has not served them well with science. I feel comfortable with my younger two and the time we have to work through the texts, however, I am starting this with a 7th grader as well. We have two years to get through the three volumes, and I don’t want to sacrifice depth for speed. Can you give me some advice on the progression I should use with him?

      Thank you in advance!

    • #937
      Bernard Nebel

      The depth of BFSU is in addressing and having your kids master and connect the basic idea(s) and concept(s) presented in each lesson. There are no BFSU lessons that don’t aim at presenting a basic idea or concept. Therefore, with you older child, I would follow the same path as recommended in the text. That is starting at the top and moving back and forth across the flowchart working your way down. However, older kids with their greater background of experience will be able to move through the early lessons much more quickly, pausing to take more time with anything new and not familiar. This is not sacrificing depth for speed. It a matter of helping your kids refresh, organize, and recognize the significance of what they are already familiar with. Thanks for the question, Bernie Nebel

      • #938

        Thank you for that! I was second-guessing myself after reviewing several lessons, not wanting him to miss out.

      • #9418
        Tito Frescado

        Hi ColoSprgsTabi,

        I was wondering how the endeavor of catching up your seventh grader by starting with vol. 1 worked out. I am in a similar position with my 6th grader.


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