This is a community of those using "Building Foundations of Scientific Understanding"

Elementary Science Education

My vote

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    • #9780

      Bernard Nebel

      I greatly appreciate that everyone in this group has stuck to the subject at hand and not gone off on tangents. But, rational thinking/reasoning, which are the bedrock of science, should also be used in other areas of human endeavor. Applying them to the choice before us in the upcoming election I see a profound distinction. It is between keeping our democracy with all the freedoms and opportunities it entails plus specific plans to make it better, versus trading it in for an authoritarian autocracy with no distinct plans except moving back to dark times of prejudice and retribution. (For sake of space, I omit the mountain of evidence supporting this conclusion but will spell it out if asked.) Hence, I will be casting my vote for the Harris-Waltz ticket.

      Bruce Springsteen expresses my stand in better words than I can find:

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